Rehablitation of old age people

Rehablitation of destitude children

Protection to Sex Workers suffering from AIDS

Protection of Global Warming through awareness programmes

Rehablitation of old age people Protection to Sex Workers suffering from AIDS
Rehablitation of destitude children Protection of Global Warming through awareness
List of Project Proposals:
1. Adult Education Project 26. Hospital Project
2. Aged Home Project 27. Housing Project
3. Agriculture Development Project 28. Human rights Projects
4. Bonded Labour Project 29. Income Generation Project
5. Child Labour Project 30. Lepers Care Project
6. Promoting child rights through child participation 31. Medical College Project
7. Children’s Home Project 32. Mobile Medical  Care Project
8. Child to child Health Project 33. Preparatory Training Project
9. Community Care Centre for HIV/AIDS Infected 34. Prevention of Women and Child Trafficking Project
10. Community College Project 35. Reproductive & Child Health Project
11. Community Development Project 36. Revolving Fund for SHGs
12. Community Knowledge Centre 37. Rural Development Project
13. Community Radio Station Project 38. Rural Water Project
14. Computer Training Project 39. Railway children Rescue & Rehabilitation  Project
15. Crèche Project 40. Scholarship Project
16. Disabled Care Project 41. Setting up an IGP
17. Disabled Rehabilitation Project 42. SHGs Formation and Development Project
18. Early Intervention Project 43. Street Children Project
19. Educational Institution Project 44. Tribal Development Project
20. Educational Sponsorship Project 45. Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation Project
21. Environmental Awareness Project 46. Urban Slum Development Project
22. Health Awareness Project 47. Watershed Management Project
23. Health Care Project 48. Women Skill Training Project
24. HIV/AIDs Prevention  and Control Project 49. Youth Development Project
25. HIV/AIDs Prevention  and Control  for Prisoners Project 50. Youth Skill Training Project
These Projects Proposals are according to the guidelines of various funding Agencies and Grant Makers and contain the following salient features
1. Project goals and objectives
2. Project cost and means of finance (budget)
3. Resource planning
4. Project planning and method of implementation
5. Project economic and profitability
6. Impact analysis

These are inexpensive and work as sample proposals that some of the organizations of all size are using to win government and private funds.

You can also use our proven project proposals by incorporating your data and your organization background information to successfully win grants and funds.

You can later add or delete the information to send to the organization. This is a great opportunity first time in India.


It is sad that a number of people are dieing due to starvation, non availability of medical aid to poor and elderly people. Our society proposes to take responsibility for rehablitation of these people by RASHTRIYA ABHIYAN KOI BHUKHA NAA SOYE

The donors can contribute in the name of "THE ALL SOUTION OF INDIAN CHAMBERS' (REGD.)"

Any one who is willing to donate directly can deposit in saving A/c of The all Solution of Indian Chambers in